Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Do Kids Want From Us

My husband and I were at the mall last night for our evening walk, when I saw a teen aged girl wearing a t-shirt that said, "Discipline or Disappointment, Take Your Pick" on the back of it. My first thought was, "Well, how profound." But after thinking about it for a little while I began to wonder what our kids really want. I don't think you would see a teenager wearing a shirt like that one if they weren't trying to make a serious statement. This girl truly understood that without discipline in our lives, we are not going achieve our best self.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure that most teenagers won't admit that they need and really, want limits, but I believe that most kids do want to be good kids. I don't think that any child dreams of being in constant trouble, but without limits, rules and regulations, and discipline, kids will get into trouble. Now I know that many people don't like spanking, but there are many ways to discipline your child. I don't believe that "time out" is an effective method, but I think grounding works quite well.

In this world of bad influences, it is hard enough to keep kids out of the kind of trouble that comes from time spent with the wrong kind of friends, but when you add a lack of discipline at home to that mix, you are headed for trouble.

Was this girl a one in a million, I don't really think so, unless you are talking one in a million who tell it like it is. No, I think she is speaking for many other teenagers who are saying, help me be better. Make me behave. Help me achieve. Keep me out of trouble. Give me limits, rules, regulations, discipline, because all of these things, even though I might hate them at times, tell me you LOVE me.

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