In personal likes and dislikes, well we are different. He likes noise around him, like music and television, and mostly people, while I sometimes really crave the quiet, and that is hard to achieve when we are together, so the quiet "me moments" are a blessing for me. I am what many would call a bit of a "computer geek" and I enjoy spending quiet time on the computer (yes, my computer always has the sound muted...which I'm sure annoys my grandchildren), doing a multitude of things, from genealogy research to blogging to Facebook and Twitter, to crafts. I also love to read. These things are harder to do when the television is on and he is talking to me. So "me time" is very nice.
Now don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my husband, and we have much in common. We both love to hike and do so as often as possible. We also, bowl, but I'll have to admit he is more dedicated to that than I am. He is a great mechanic, and I can help with that, but thankfully I don't have to very often, because the whole greasy hands thing just doesn't appeal to me much. We also have long talks, and since they often turn to politics, I'm thankful that we agree 100% on that subject. And we love to travel, especially when we can add a hike or two to the mix. So you can see that we enjoy each other's company. So then why do I need me time?
Well, I think we can each bring more joy and happiness into our marriage when we take time to relax and re-group, and then when we are back together, we have more of ourselves to give to each other.
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